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Conte set for record-breaking 200th
Conte left press conference to staff

バルサ行きを断りまた一歩着実に成長 インテルのエースが持つ鋭い“先見の明”

Pintus: 'Lukaku like an American football player'

  • ⚫🔵 ハキミ

Hakimi's agent: 'Who wouldn't want to play for Bayern?'

  • ⚫🔵 給料問題

Inter stars and staff refuse pay cuts?

UEFA agreement for nine of 12 Super League clubs
Juve, Madrid and Barca reject 'intolerable threats'
Juve, Real Madrid and Barca vs. Everyone
Infantino: 'Super League clubs face consequences'


ジダン、監督として古巣ユベントス復帰も? 退任確実なピルロの後任候補に