2012-03-28 バロテッリ Old45 MARIO BALOTELLI'S INTER RETURN Balotelli causes Inter surprise Inter Milan management happy to see gatecrashing Man City star Balotelli He can't help himself! Man City's Balotelli gatecrashes Stramaccioni's Inter Milan presentation Balotelli interrupts press conference to greet new Inter coach Stramaccioni Balotelli: 'Not easy for Inter' VIDEO: Balotelli gate-crash! Cartoon of the Day: Balotelli gatecrashes Stramaccioni's Inter unveiling インテル新監督の晴れ舞台を台無しにしたバロテッリ 本当に非常識なヤツ。マリオがプリマにいた頃はもちろんストラマッチョーニはローマにいました。 Man City won't consider selling Balotelli