2010-12-31 モラッティ MM JM Moratti scores Inter 9.5 for 2010 Moratti: 'Inter deserves 9.5/10 for the season 2010' Inter Milan president Moratti: 2010? I give us 9.5 out of 10 Moratti: "A 9.5 for 2010 I want Leo to boost the team" Jose Mourinho Made Inter The Best Team In The World In 2010 - Massimo Moratti INTER, Moratti: "2010 was the most important year in our recent history" Spain and Inter lead 2010 roll of honour モラッティ:「2010年は9.5点」 モラッティ:「2010年は9.5点だった」 レオナルド新監督にはリスタートを期待 Agent cannot rule out Inter Milan return for Real Madrid boss Mourinho Yes, he is Special モウリーニョ代理人:「インテルへの復帰は…」