Zarate: 'I want Lazio comeback'
Official: Watford sign Zarate
Report: Zarate passed Watford medical
Watford want Zarate
Watford want Viola Zarate
Zarate to leave Fiorentina?
Bologna to go for Zarate?
Donati: 'I'd love Napoli'
Agent: ‘Zarate happy at Viola’
Agent: ‘Zarate struggling with ban’
Perisic: ‘Inter regrets’ Fiorentina blast Zarate ban 自分は3試合出場停止なのにペリシッチは…ダブルスタンダードを訴えるサラテ
Zarate: 'Fiorentina are wonderful' サラテ「イタリア楽しい(=´∀`)人(´∀`=)」
Zarate: ‘Goodbye West Ham’
Report: Zarate-Fiorentina done deal Zarate: ‘Happy to be at Fiorentina’ Zarate in, Rossi out for Fiorentina
Fiorentina in Zarate talks Agent: 'Zarate wants Fiorentina!' フィオレンティーナ、ロッシ放出に備えてサラテと交渉中?
MALAGA, Attempt for Zarate ready
OFFICIAL, Stevanović quits Torino OFFICIAL, Partizan sign Stevanović
Fiorentina inches from Donati
Zarate must pay Lazio €6m
Donati: 'I'd like Fiorentina'
BOLOGNA, Duel to Fiorentina and Torino on Donati
QPR、サラテの獲得を発表 あいかわらずフラフラ。
QPR、ローンでサラテを獲得へ QPR、サラテ獲得間近か
WEST HAM, Gold: "Zarate doesn't want to leave"
元インテルのFWサラテ、出場機会を求めてウェストハム退団を希望? 代理人「今ならバーゲン価格で獲得できる」
Zarate wants West Ham exit 得点力不足解消へ、トリノが元ラツィオFWサラテ獲得を検討